World Zarathushti Chamber Of Commerce

Cooper Corporation

Cooper Corporation

Looking back in time, Farrokh Nariman Cooper at 78, who is the senior most member of the Cooper family wants to commemorate our 100 th year in business, we are what we are because of the foundation laid for us by our founder Sir. Dhanjisha Cooper and we pay great tribute to his legacies and goodwill he has left behind in society which lingers on.

Destiny has so ordained that his wishes still continued to be fulfilled in business, social activities, harmony and goodwill everywhere.

Given below is a thumbnail sketch of some of his achievements for posterity:

  • Pioneering efforts during 1918-1947 by Sir Dhanjisha Cooper for cause of  Social and Industrial development of rural Western Maharashtra.

  • First elected to Bombay Council in 1920.

  • 1920-1940 Member of Provincial Legislative Council.

  • Led foundation stone of Satara Industrial Work at Satara road in 1922,later in 1928 became Cooper Engineering Works

  • Manufactured first iron plough the in the Year 1922.

  • Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil was associated with Sir Dhanajish in 1922, Karmaveer took the responsibility of marketing of the plough.

  • 1924 the diesel engine was manufactured.

  • After the death of Chatrapati Pratapsingh Maharaj in 1925, due to Sir Dhanjsha’s efforts, the adoption of Ch. Shahu Maharaj as the descendant of Shivaji Maharaj was agreed by British Government .

  • Sir Dhanjisha Cooper was instrumental in deciding the marriage of Chhatrapati Shahu Maharaj. The marriage witnessed royal presence of Princely state heads from Bikaner, Gwalior, Indore, Jaipur and Jodhpur. During the period he was a trustee of Maharaja along with District Judge and Collector.

  • President of Satara Municipality during 1923 to 1932.

  • In 1923 Prabhodhankar Thackeray shifted from Bombay to Satara Road and started to work along with Sir Dhanjishah and Karmaveer Bhaurao Patil, to further cause of social upliftments.

  • Father of Shri Balasaheb Thackery, Prabhodhankar Keshav Thackery, a great
    social reformer of the times, was part of the local board committees with Sir Dhanajisha. He was guiding force behind political career of Sir Dhanajisha.

  • In 1923 Sir D B. Cooper took lead to lift the severe conditions of imprisonment imposed on Veer Savarkar during his imprisonment at Ratnagiri.

  • 1927 – made primary education compulsory in Satara Municipal area.

  • As member of Governor’s Executive Council, headed of Finance and Revenue departments during 1935-37.

  • In 1937 became Prime Minister of the erstwhile Bombay Presidency consisting of parts of Sindh, Gujarat, Western Maharashtra including Konkan and parts of

  • During his tenure of Prime Minister Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar supported him against congress motion. The great social reformer Bharat Ratna Dr Babsaheb Ambedkar during his childhood stayed in old bungalow belonged to Sir Dhanjisha, in front of Parsi agyari in Satara.

  • Recipient of Knights of Garter-the most senior and oldest British order of Chivalry.

  • Jointly Cooper Engineering Co. was formed in 1940 with Walchand Hirachand as Chairmen and Sir Dhanajisha Cooper,Nariman Cooper, as Directors.

  • In 1942, Cooper company made Diesel engine for automotive and tested it on a Morris car successfully.

  • Sir Dhanjisha Cooper appears in the autobiography of Prabhodhankar Thackery – “My Memories” as well he appears in autobiography of Yashwantrao Chavan “Krishna Kath”, he also appears in historic writings on Dr. Babasaheb Ambedkar.

  • In 1946 Sir Dhanajisha offered Codrington Bungalow to Karmaveer for starting a collage in that premises.

  • 1946- Founding member of Indian Machine Tool Manufacture’s Association (IMTMA), First Chairman of IMTMA

  • Kirloskar and Cooper collaborated and approved jointly a price list and commission rate together to avoid undue competition.
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