The Houston Chapter of WZCC holds dinner events for its members several times a year featuring distinguished speakers from various disciplines. The speakers are carefully chosen for their expertise in topics that help our members in their profession, business, or personal lives. On March 10, 2016 the Houston Chapter of WZCC presented Dr. Bahadur Sarkari, M.D., a distinguished psychiatrist with a long and successful clinical practice in London and the U.S. Dr. Sarkari is double Board Certified − in Adult Psychiatry as well as Child and Adolescent Psychiatry. In his one-hour presentation titled: “All You Wanted to Know About Mental Health But Were Afraid to Ask”, Dr. Sarkari kept the audience totally engaged with fascinating myths, facts, and actual cases of the wide variety of disorders that make up mental illness. In a very well organized talk, Bahadur Sarkari exposed the myths and wrong attitudes people have towards mental disorders. The spectrum of disorders that psychiatrists have to deal with ranges from anxiety, the most common problem, to schizophrenia, the most devastating mental illness. For each of eight different disorders, Dr. Sarkari covered its cardinal features and symptoms, along with the treatment and medications that help alleviate them. Particular attention was paid to Alzheimer’s disease and the special problems that mental health creates in the work place. He presented alarming statistics that highlighted the widespread and serious consequences of mental illness, leading to poor job performance, dysfunctional family life, and sometimes even suicide. Typical cases of mental illness that Dr. Sarkari encountered in his practice often brought humorous and astonishing reactions from the audience. Dr. Sarkari’s presentation was very well received, as evident from the animated discussions and questions that followed. WZCC (Houston) is grateful to Dr. Bahadur Sarkari for taking the time to share his knowledge with our members. “WZCC (Houston) helps members succeed as entrepreneurs and professionals through career enhancement, better financial management, and enrichment of their personal lives.”
Pradeep Anand is no stranger to the Houston Business and Cultural Scene. He also happens to have many friends from our Zoroastrian Community. For over 30 years, he has helped executives at more than 60 industrial and technology companies develop strategies and tactics that swiftly accelerate revenue and margin growth. His work experience ranges from High-Tech to No-Tech industries: in Oil & Gas, Engineering, manufacturing, Software, Technology and Services. He has published many papers on Oil & Gas, Career Development, Outsourcing, Business Growth/Marketing, India, etc. Pradeep is President and founder of Seeta Resources, Adjunct Faculty at Rice University MBA program; Mentor to Startups/NextGen Employees, etc. He is an Alumni of Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) and also the author of the book An Indian in Cowboy Country with stories from an Immigrant’s life that many of us are so close to. WZCC Houston Chapter invites you to attend this very interesting talk. Click here for more information
WZCC invites you to Houston to participate in an interesting program on Thursday, April 27, 2017 (A day before the FEZANA AGM), designed for business people, entrepreneurs, professionals and anybody with interest in business, finance, industry, etc. Youth is particularly encouraged to attend. PROGRAM: 10:00 am to 12:30 pm – Visit a Zarathushti owned industrial facility, Coating Industries Inc. – Cll that provides serious corrosion protection for substrate to shipbuilders, chemical companies, major oil companies and industrial plants. We will also visit their adjacent J R Manufacturing facility, a fabricating plant for piping, skids and packages. (Light refreshment included Advanced reservation required. Cost: FREE 1:30 pm to 4:30 pm – Panel discussion on financial sources for starting a new business with speakers from academic and financial institutions – Talk on how to grow your business (topic to be finalized) For more information: Rustom Engineer
WZCC – Houston Chapter Event On October 24, 2019, a joint event with North American Mobed Council (NAMC) was organized at the newly opened Shahi Darbar Restaurant. Ervad Dr. Parvez Bajan spoke on Philanthropy – The Best Virtue According to Zoroastrianism. Ervad Bajan is a sixth-generation priest and serves as head priest of the Seth B. M. Mevawala Fire Temple, Mumbai, which has been managed by his family since the enthronement of the fire in 1851. Ervad Bajan at the age of 65, earned a doctorate in a rare subject, Avesta-Pahlavi, the language of the Zoroastrian scriptures. With the courtesy of NAMC, Ervad Bajan was on a lecture tour starting in Chicago, then Houston and ending with 3 talks in Southern California. Ervad Bajan addressed an audience numbering 40+ including businessmen and professionals, about the virtues of philanthropy. He gave some examples from Zarathushti prayers that emphasize the importance of charity in our daily lives. Quote: “……May charity overcome greediness….. etc.” He also pointed out what our basic prayer clearly spells out that “He who gives assistance to the poor acknowledges the kingdom of God.” Ervad Bajan went on to deliver two more lectures at the Bhandara Atash Kadeh in Houston over the weekend. WZCC- Houston Chapter thanks NAMC for making this event possible.