World Zarathushti Chamber Of Commerce
TIME: 1:00 to 4:30 PM
LOCATION: Arbab Rostam Guiv Dar-e-Mehr,
6900 Halifax Ave. BURNABY, BC V5B 2R5
We thank ZSBC Board of Directors & Trustees of Arbab Rostam Guiv Dar e Mehr BC.
PROGRAM: Please email or call 604-544-8983, and confirm
attendance by Thursday 10th November.
1:00 PM Arrive and Register
1:30 PM Presentation by Ms. Narges Nirumvala
Narges is a world renowned leadership communication expert and international speaker. One of the Top 100 Leadership Experts to Follow on Twitter in the World, she is the CEO of ExecutiveSpeak Coaching International and author of the book
A trusted advisor to CEOs, Narges works with corporate leaders, association executives, elected community officials and high-performance teams to help them communicate with confidence in any situation. Her clients include Fortune 500 and FT 500 Companies. Narges has appeared on City TV, Breakfast Television Vancouver, OMNI Television, SUCCESS magazine, the Province, News1130 radio and many others. Her writing on the subject has been published in 106 countries worldwide.
Narges is also an influencer, community leader and philanthropist. She sits on the Board of Directors for the Dixon Transition Society and is Chair of the Fundraising Committee for the CKNW Orphans’ Fund and is a Patron of the Vancouver Opera. Recently she was nominated for the 2014 RBC Canadian Women Entrepreneur of the Year Awards.
Topic: “Find your voice: release your power”.
“In this interactive, empowering and energizing speech Ms. Nirumvala will take you on a journey to look for moments to make a greater impact in your world. Filled with personal stories and tangible takeaways, you will leave inspired and ready to take action.”
2:15 PM Interactive Discussions, Questions & Answers.
2:45 PM Vote of Thanks. Speaker appreciation.
3:00 PM Refreshments – Tea/Coffee and snacks (No charge )
3:30 PM Chapter Members Meeting
Present Status by Chairman: Fariborz Rahnamoon
Report by Secretary & Program Coordinator: Firdosh Mehta
Present Status by Treasurer: Homi Italia, Financials AS OF 31 OCT
& Discussions during the 19 NOV Global conference call.
Discuss new Web Site and Chapter contribution towards it.
Reimbursement of 40 % of fees to CHAMBER and
Confirmation of FEE Schedule for 2017
Raising funds through Advertisements and donations for SYNERGYZ
Future program announcements and speaker selections
4:15 PM Adjourn meeting. Networking and refreshments.
Current Board members of WZCC Vancouver BC Chapter for 2016
Fariborz Rahnamoon Chair
Homi Italia Treasurer
Firdosh Mehta Secretary & Program Coordinator
Perviz Madon
Percy Billimoria
Nevill Bhagat
Even if you cannot make it to the meeting, we would like your response to Firdosh Mehta by email: or call 604-544-8983
Please let us know:
For more information on WZCC Chamber…….. visit
Thank you for your interest in WZCC.
Firdosh Mehta
WZCC BC Chapter Secretary & Program Coordinator