World Zarathushti Chamber Of Commerce
As we navigate this global pandemic and worldwide re-openings of industry & small business, our aim is to give industry leaders & owner-operators, the extra tools necessary to succeed in times of adversity
Dear Member/Patron, The WZCC Toronto Chapter hosts “An Introduction to Entrepreneurship” designed for our youth. Want your children to have terrific career and entrepreneurial opportunities? Arming them right from their formative years will go a long way in building up their abilities to shine tomorrow. We have a series of workshops and sessions designed for our youth from ages, 7 to 11 and from 11 to 15 with creative, hands on, enrichment workshops designed to get them leading in the future. We start with our two sessions, with an introduction to entrepreneurship on Saturday mornings, 24th and 31st October, 2020, from 11:30am each for one hour. Do register here for both days.
Entrepreneurial Inspiration & Must Have Skills WZCC Toronto and Global Youngpreneurs concluding workshop on introduction to entrepreneurship focused on understanding more in-depth about entrepreneurship and attracting customers. As an inspirational example, we had Malcolm Mehta, a 16 year-old social entrepreneur, studying UK and now in USA who started a football league in a village in India. This made participants realize that age is no hindrance to achieving one’s dreams. Seeing someone so close to their years being successful gives our participants incentive to begin their own entrepreneurial journey. In conjunction with the theme of the session, tips on getting customers was discussed. These ranged from understanding wants and needs to adding unique elements to the product/service, to attracting customers via discounts and freebies. This was followed by an activity which tested their business and marketing skills. The second activity was related to logical problem solving, as it is a must-have skill for entrepreneurs. The youth were placed in an escape room situation, where they had to solve three puzzles which would then lead them to a code and the escape key. It was a fun and challenging set of quizzes which not only tested their abilities, but their mettle too. Before ending the workshop, we recounted the tale of Walt Disney, and how he established Disney and all its different ventures. The two-part sessions covered the gist of various areas under entrepreneurship. However, the main aim was to engage our youth with an entrepreneurial mindset, focus on skills that would help them in the future, and also to enjoy learning. The Toronto chapter and Global Youngpreneurs will continue giving wings to young dreams and making them a reality.
Global Youngpreneurs held their first virtual Introduction to Entrepreneurship workshop for our youth between the ages of 11 to 15. In a rapidly changing world, we recognize that the most important skills are logical and creative thinking abilities, and soft skills and these remain overlooked in our regular education system. WZCC Toronto Chapter worked with Global Youngpreneurs to help develop this entrepreneurial mindset in our youth. Our first session (out of the two-part series) focused on developing a “business” through experiential learning. The participants were given an activity and tasked with creating a product/service, along with the name of the company, the logo and the slogan. Explanation of an entrepreneur, giving examples of different products and services and also real-world logos and slogans helped to make the concept of the activity clearer. Right from Royal Bank of Canada, to Nike, the participants were made to understand how the logos and slogans of such companies corresponded to the product or service they offered. In return, the young participants came up with ideas such as a coffee-flavored soft drinks, to a dog walking service for the elderly, with slogans such as “Too good to be true” and “Fancy footwork for four-legged friends.” The second activity was a small team building survival challenge and each team was “stranded” in a particular situation (on an island/on the moon) and each team had to pick few items which would help them survive. This activity successfully tested not only their ability to work in teams – including listening skills, reasoning skills, and co-operation, but also logical and creative problem solving. Next they worked on building of entrepreneurial traits such as leadership, team work, delegation of work, and promotion. Participants were asked to come up with ideas for running a food or drink stall while working in teams, thus inculcating aspects of soft skills. Each team came up with an idea for their own food stall, the location, how to sell their product, and also the tasks that each team member would perform. Attentiveness, enthusiasm, excitement and participation was maintained throughout and we couldn’t be more happier with the result. Every participant was pushed to think on their feet, explore their potential, and most importantly, learn and have fun!
The WZCC Toronto Chapter organized a barbeque-cum-networking event on Saturday 8 th June 2024 at the Zoroastrian Society of Ontario in Toronto. The overall event feratured several activities like fun games, informal networking and sumptous barbeque dinner featuring both vegetarian and non-veg delicacies and witnessing a grand turnout of 62 members from across the community. The event commenced with formal registration process where each attendee was given a name tag so that other attendees can recognize them and learn more about them as individuals and what they do professionally. The informal networking during registration set the tone for the evening, transitioning into the first segment of the evening- Speed Networking. The second segment was something many attendees had heard and participated in for the first time and was hailed as the best part of the evening- Human Bingo. ‘Attendees were given 25 minutes to complete this activity and the one to complete it first won a special prize sponsored by WZCC Toronto Chapter. There was also a door prize giveaway, the winner for which was chosen by spinning a wheel of numbers. The final segment was the one that everyone had been waiting for- the barbeque dinner which was enjoyed by one and all. Informal networking once again took precedence where the attendees discussed a little more about some potential business ideas and how they can leverage the WZCC platform to launch and promote their ideas while devouring the burgers and tandoori chicken, fresh off the grill. Overall, all the members who attended the event had a gala time and everyone is excited for future events as well as the biggest event hosted by the Toronto Chapter- the WZCC Conclave 2025 to be held in the vibrant city of Toronto from April 29 th – 3 rd May 2025. Our Lovely Chefs Speed Networking underway The Lucky Draw prize winner receiving a wireless Bluetooth speaker from Dilnavaz Shroff, Global Director and Cyrus Patel, Chapter Chair and Director.