World Zarathushti Chamber Of Commerce


Initiative of WZCC

World Zarathushti Chamber of Commerce , WZCC, a global body, was set up in 2000 with a mission to energize the Zarathushti Entrepreneurial and Professional spirit and to bring about prosperity and economic well-being within the community world over. Since then the Chamber has been promoting Zarathushti business enterprises and professionals through its multifarious activities including training in entrepreneurship, enhancing professionalism, information dissemination, lectures and seminars on relevant topics, mentoring and advisory services, networking sessions, awards and recognition programs.

A natural progression of WZCC; varied initiatives is the creation of a Women Entrepreneurs; Group – WE. Having recognized the special needs and constraints of women entrepreneurs and professionals in the unrelenting competitive business and professional environment, WZCC has launched WE, to empower women to capitalize on their inherent capabilities, realize their true potential and fulfill their dreams of starting and scaling up their own businesses and professions. WE will provide a platform for networking with other successful women entrepreneurs and professionals as Only Women can best help Women to Succeed. Today a plethora of opportunities exist for the energetic young women who want to achieve a better work life balance beyond their demanding corporate jobs. Women are today ready to make mid-career changes and shift to more lucrative avenues which would give them a sense of economic freedom and fulfill their aspirations. No doubt the risks are many but the rewards are even greater for those who want to forge ahead despite the challenges.

WE is created to empower these aspiring women with a desire to Grow. Our aim is to enable the women to identify and select the right business segments based on their skills and experience and strengthen their entrepreneurial ability through Training, Mentoring, Networking and Recognition. A series of programs are proposed to cater to the needs of every woman in business or profession – be it at the idea stage, start-up stage or growth stage. These include Personality development, Communication skills, Class room type training, Advisory Services, Understanding Finance and financing options and above all Networking sessions with professional advisers and successful entrepreneurs. How can a woman fulfill the role of mother, wife, daughter and yet be economically solid? Join WE.

The inaugural program of WE was held on Saturday, July 28, 2012 and WZCC’s Global President Mr. Minoo Shroff inaugurated the newly formed WE . Over the years WE has hosted multiple programs and activities and will continue
to provide :
a) Training Programs/Workshops;
b) Advisory and Mentoring Services;
c) Counseling and Guidance by experts in specific fields – for Special Interest Groups;
d) Networking including Social Networking Events;
e) Business Promotion Meets – Exhibitions and Seminars for SME including home based industries;
f) Enhancing Professionalism;
g) Assistance in turning hobbies into Entrepreneurship and becoming financially independent;
h) And many more activities as and when WE progresses and need increases!
WE invites women from all walks of life to join in and derive maximum benefit
from our diverse activities and programs to achieve their goals.
Join WE and reap the benefits !
Behroze Daruwalla
Global Chair – WZCC WE


Individual Annual

Rs.1000 /-
  • Duration:1Year
  • Are you a individual and want to connect with fellow patrons then this plan is the one for you
  • Entrance Fees Fees:500/- Rs.

Corporate Annual

Rs.3,000 /-
  • Duration:1Year
  • Are you a new to the corporate world and looking to expand; Then this plan is for you
  • Entrance Fees Fees:500/- Rs.

Individual Life

Rs.10,000 /-
  • Duration:Lifetime
  • Join the WZCC club for life time.
  • Entrance Fees Fees:500/- Rs.

Student Annual

Rs.500 /-
  • Duration:1Year
  • The most basic plan for a student to help him grow and achieve great heights
  • Entrance Fees\:NIL

Corporate Life

Rs.20,000 /-
  • Duration:20Years
  • Join WZCC for 20 long years at a nominal rate of 1000/- Rs per year
  • Entrance Fees:500/- Rs.
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